On January 14th, 1981, a secret wedding service was held in a church in Stockholm. Björn and his girlfriend Lena were married. On January 25th, Stig Anderson celebrated his fiftieth birthday. A party was planned with over 300 guests and ABBA performed a special song written for the occasion, Hovas Vittne.
On February 10th, Benny and Frida announced to the press that they were seeking a divorce. They also announced that this would in no way interfere with their part in ABBA. ABBA would remain a group once again trying to avoid any negative publicity about ABBA breaking up. Surely if ABBA survived one divorce it could survive two. Frida made a very similar statement to the press as Agnetha had back in 1979. Another interview revealed that as long as everything was fun for all of ABBA, they would continue to stay together and record music.
Their newest LP, The Visitors was nearing completion. It was released on November 30th, 1981. This was ABBA's ninth and final LP. The songs were quite adult oriented and it was very apparent that the group were expressing personal feelings with this newest release. The album cover itself summed it all up, no one on the cover is looking at the other. The cover photograph showed no happiness at this point but the music itself was nothing less than brilliant. ABBA had once again evolved in their musical abilities. This LP was more rock than pop and was the pinnacle to their career.
At the end of 1981, Agnetha and Linda's LP, Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus, was released in Sweden.
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